Friday, January 9, 2009

city of small blessings: New York City

I am in New York for 2009. It feels strange to have published my novel about Singapore and then to leave so shortly. No, my departure was not because of the book. It feels strange because Singapore looks different to me from faraway, from the outside. This is especially from this city, the Big Apple, in the middle of winter.

In City, parts are written from the perspective of a son, Peter, who has migrated to a cold country faraway (Vancouver). He has to return to Singapore after an incident befalls his father, Bryan. He returns with a mix of feelings.

I feel somewhat the same, but in reverse.


jane king said...

how can you order your book in the US?

simon tay said...

1. I am sorry that i missed your comment until now. I am inept at Blogging

2. The book doesnt have a distributor in the USA

3. You cld order from Singapore. It's from Landmark books and my publisher can be reached at Goh Eck Kheng []

4. I am in New York and if you are keen, I can send you a copy. Not sure it will connect with you unless you know singapore. email me if you want at the Asia SOciety. I am here for 2009 as Schwartz Fellow and to teach at Yale. My email is

5. txs for yr interest and again sorry for the gap in responding

simon tay